Coaching, guidance, consulting on business customs in Russia and Germany, practical cross-cultural communication skills’ development.


Coaching, guidance, consulting on business customs in Russia and Germany, practical cross-cultural communication skills’ development.

Coaching sessions help employees to explore their original cultural background (‘What does it mean to be Russian?’) and have a look at the behavioural specifics of their colleagues from a different angle, to see similarities and differences.

When you understand the background of someone else's behaviour, you evaluate the situation in a completely new way.

Regular coaching sessions offline and online. A minimum of 5 to 10 sessions, 1.5-2 hours each.

The common language is not just a language that all parties to negotiations just happen to speak, it is the language of mutual respect, transparency, and a profound understanding of your counterpart’s value system and their cultural background.

As a person with a wide array of professional skills Elena masterfully and naturally adapts to various roles, depending on what’s required of her.

Gilla Berquet

Systemic coach, mediator, mediator, trainer and facilitator | 7C - Consulting GmbH

Turn your challenges into chances, and your opponents into your allies.

Elena Budinstein
Cross-cultural expert, adviser, keynote speaker